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5 myths about avocado

Don't be fooled; these are the myths you should know about avocado and weight control.

Thanks to its benefits, avocado is a great ally to add to a diet, since it is considered a fruit that provides vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that have a very positive effect on our health; among them are Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, Dietary Fiber and Vitamin E, C and K. 

In addition to being delicious and healthily complementing our daily meals, this food can also help us improve our cardiovascular health, reduce high cholesterol, relax the nervous system, strengthen our eyes, and nourish and soften our skin. 

Now that we know all the benefits and nutrients that this food gives us, it is also important to know the myths about avocado and weight control. 

  1. Avocado contains good fats. 

This myth is true. In fact, did you know that avocado is the only fruit that contains healthy fats? Within a diet, it is always recommended to replace bad fats with good ones since these help us reduce cholesterol. Plus, healthy fats improve nutrient absorption as well! 

  1. Avocado contains sugar. 

This myth is false. Avocado is actually a great source of fiber and is free of sodium, sugar, and cholesterol. How does this benefit a diet? It is always wise to replace higher-calorie foods with those that contain more water and fiber, which will help us avoid hunger and control our weight. 

"79% of the weight of an avocado is made up of fiber and water."

  1. Avocado helps control our cholesterol. 

This myth is true; The phytosterols that avocados provide help maintain a healthy cholesterol level, especially if we lead a healthy diet and lifestyle as well. 

What are phytosterols? 

They are compounds of plant origin that prevent cholesterol of animal origin from being absorbed up to 50% by the small intestine. At the same time, they reduce the probability of fats adhering to the inner walls of the arteries, thus improving blood circulation.

  1. Avocado affects blood pressure. 

This myth is false. If you didn't know, a serving of avocado covers up to 6% of your daily potassium needs. Thanks to this, including this fruit in a healthy diet, can help counterbalance some of the harmful effects sodium causes on blood pressure. 

  1. Avocado is a healthy alternative to butter. 

This myth is true. Thanks to its creamy pulp that binds easily and its high monounsaturated fats, avocado is perfect as a healthy butter and full of nutrients. 

Without a doubt, avocado is our best ally to maintain a healthy and active life, as long as we complement it with a proper diet and frequent exercise.

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